Bill Cronk wrote:
| <<-- SNIP -->>
| Forgive me, I can not use my home email address while at work and I | can't have the level of email traffic generated by the lists while | at work. They are blocking all Webmail access for sending messages | out so I need to come home before I can send any responses to the list. | | Your right I didn't mention which tool. Since I don't use any Redhat | or Fedora versions here at home I can't answer that question very | accurately. | | In FC3 click on the Redhat in the panel, goto the menu portion for | system(?) settings, then the next sub menu at the top contains the | DNS tool, NFS tool, and the tool for starting and stopping the | daemons (plus maybe 1-2 more). That graphical DNS configuration tool | is the one I was using. | | So far all FC3 installs have the DNS running in chroot. | | I too manually manipulated moved the files I created with Webmin | into the /var/named/chroot/var/named location then created the | static links back into the /var/named location, restarted Webmin and | discovered that now DNS works and I was able to use Webmin to manage | the configuration. Even after the configuration was in place the | Fedora tool still would not function properly to manage the it. | | | Bill | Bill,
Thanks, I guess the tools are still broken. Unless there is a config parameter that can tell the tools where the files are. The tool may not work because there are a few files in /etc that are also chrooted to named.
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