I am struggling with a strange problem - when I start "konsole" from the KDE panel (or by typing konsole in "Run Command" window), the bash session cannot display single/double quotes and grave accents correctly - they are garbled. Then I type konsole at the bash prompt, this brings up a new konsole, and now all those characters display correctly! So, the first konsole started by KDE garbles characters, I then start another konsole from inside the first konsole, and characters are ok. I looked at all environment variables in the first and second konsole, they are same (except for things like PID, SHLVL, etc). Both have LANG=en_US.UTF-8. I looked at konsole configuration, both konsoles have exactly similar config, tried changing Font to Unicode, <Default> etc - no luck. First console always displays some characters wrong, second one is always correct. Using latest Fedora: 2.6.10-1.741_FC3