Can u send us your script to use it as an example in my system?
Samuel Díaz García Director Gerente ArcosCom Wireless, S.L.L.
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James Wilkinson wrote:
I wrote about an "alsa" service.
Samuel Díaz García wrote that he couldn't find it, and Tony Dietrich wrote:
I don't think there IS a script available on the system ... but it isn't hard to do ..... alsa in FC2 at least is part of the kernel now isn't it?, not a service.
Oops! That's just where mine came from.
Normally, volume levels should be set when you load and/or unload modules. For various (non-important) reasons, I run a custom compiled kernel, with sound compiled straight in, not as a module.
So I wrote my own service to set and save volume levels. And evidently did it well enough to fool myself that it was a system script.
Sorry, everyone!