Mark Weaver wrote:
where "x" is in /dev/hdax above x = the partition number. Since windows insists on being the first OS on the drive I'm willing to bet that the device name on your computer is the same as it is on mine, which would be /dev/hda1. So your fstab entry would look like this: /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat defaults 0 0
Yes, logically it should work. I added the line to the FSTAB, and I could save it.
But here's what it's giving me:
[root@iq mehdi]# mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist
check in /dev for the block device hda1. If your system is anywhere near the same or similar to mine then you should see that item in there and its probably owned by root.disk.
can you post the output from the command, "df -h"?
-- Mark
"If you have found a very wise man, then you've found a man that at one time was an idiot and lived long enough to learn from his own stupidity."