"If the makers of X-Window had designed an automobile, there'd be no fewer than four steering wheels cleverly hidden about the cockpit, none of which operated on the same principles. But you'd be able to shift gears using the stereo. Useful feature, that."
Wayne Leutwyler wrote:
Stephen Walton wrote:
Here is what I have found. If the pointer is on the web page and I tap lower right corner and slide to the upper left corner I will go back one page. I have not been able to make it go forward yet, but I am still looking. I will set MaxTapTime to 0 and see if continues to act the same way.On Sat, 2004-12-11 at 15:33 -0500, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
But the real issue is that in FC3, the full-featured synaptics touchpad
driver is included in the distro and the touchpad is detected at install
I know about synaptics; I installed it manually at FC2. But my real question is, what feature of Firefox causes it to go back pages when one accidentally touches a particular part of the touchpad, and which part of the touchpad is involved?