As far as it concerns me there are 4GB of useless software in FC3, but I would guess that there are groups who couldn't live with out each of the pieces of software I feel are worthless, I just don't install them.
exactly why you fedora core *aims* to provide only one type of software in each category.
From the point you seem to be attempting to make, fedora core should
be a basic system with essential software, and then you go and get the
extra stuff you want.
close enough. the core system wouldnt be a minimalistic system like what debian installation would get you. It will just not provide many different browsers and image viewers and so on
yum already can fetch and install stuff from different repositories and a gui is being planned(gyum broke) afaik.
what fedora can do is provide a rationale when making choices. that kind of questions should be into fedora-devel list thou
I will agree with this. The one thing that is required for many "NEW" users is the GUI and a configured yum.conf file. A new user file with an icon on the desktop would also be a great idea with common answers such as how to get mp3 and DVD's to play on Fedora. It is common for people to keep asking the same quesitions within the lists.
It would be nice if the Extras could be dynamically linked to other repositories to make installs and upgrades easier.
-- Robin Laing