Am Mo, den 29.11.2004 schrieb Paul Michael Reilly um 6:33:...
I use TDMA for spam control now but would love to hear opinions on why I should either keep TDMA or switch to spamassasin from those who have faced that decision.
You run a web shop and use a Challenge/Response system for mailing? This is practical?
No to both: I do not run a web shop and a challenge/response system is not practical. It did a great job at pruning incoming spam but put off a number of people, mail lists and organizations. So I am looking for a better solution.
I have very good experience by running Sendmail along with ClamAV-milter (anti-virus protection) and SpamAssassin (spam classification, bound to Sendmail using MimeDefang). milter-spamc is too a very good tool to integrate SA into SM mail stream.
I may try this approach. If you have a reference that would be useful. If not, I'll google ClamAV-milter and milter-spamc. I've not heard of these before. Thanks for your input. What is SA and SM?