I think this problem with the soundcard detection is known. (I believe I saw this issue in bugzilla.) That's because it doesn't work for ISA devices, as I think your board (and mine) must be. However, Linux still finds it, and cofigures it "correctly". In Knoppix, the soundcard configuration tool has the same problem: it does't detect the ISA card.
Anyway, since Linux does find the board, and the drivers, this isn't such a problem; and I'm sure there's someone working on that now. However, I believe one shouldn't have to max out every setting just to hear a sound on the computer! A good setting should give you audible sounds at a low setting, sou that you can have some control over the volume, don't you think? That's where I believe the ALSA driver has a problem. The OSS diver used by Knoppix works fine.
In my case if it is making sound I can't hear it with the volume max'd and normally that would blast me out of the room :-).
I think you are correct that it is something related to ALSA as the OSS sound in FC1 was just fine.
In Knoppix I didn't even try the soundcard detection as, well, it just worked...
Thanks for the feedback Gustavo.