I would check where your motherboard is pulling the 5v for the usb, if it's pulling it from the 5vsb then it will cause you lot's of problems because most power supply's give 2amps on the 5vsb, each single usb port requires 500ma so if you have 4 usb ports running then you have taken all the 5vsb just on the usb and not got anything for the motherboard to power it self off. So if you can change the usb to be powered off the normal 5v line which has far more juice... Regards, Si RoboticGolem <roboticgolem@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Does everyone here agree that a 500watt power supply is sufficient > enough for a dual MP 1800 board with 4 hard disks, DVDrom, cdrw, > dvdrw, and plenty of self powered usb hubs? I'm trying to figure out > whats up with my computer and my next stop is to call an electrician. > > -Matt _________________________________________________________ This mail sent using V-webmail - http://www.v-webmail.org