I'm building a system where people on a single machine can only send e- mail via a browser to others on the same physical machine. Basically, we want people to be able to message each other on a private system and are using SquirrelMail for the front end. To do this, we set up a Dovecot/SquirrelMail server that can only send SMTP mail to itself for all practical purposes. Since we're behind a firewall with the system, it can not send "outside" even if it wanted to. It was pretty straight forward to set up the mail portion, but I'm seeing SquirrelMail "weirdness". We can not send messages to other users from the SM interface. If we use the "mail" command from the command line, messages show up in the appropriate user's mailbox with no issues and can be seen in SquirrelMail. I'm sure I've probably just "brain farted" something in the SquirrelMail config along the way. What could I have missed? Cheers, Chris -- ==================================== "If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' someone else's dog around." --Cowboy Wisdom