----------------------- Alexander sez: Am Do, den 18.11.2004 schrieb Jeff Vian um 2:16: > As someone elses signature notes: > > A: Because we read from top to bottom. > Q: Why should you bottom post. > Jeff Even better illustrated by Claus A°mann's (the "Sendmail man") 4 lines signature: A: Maybe because some people are too annoyed by top-posting. Q: Why do I not get an answer to my question(s)? A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? Something "normal" in a Woody Allen world, maybe ;> (Don't even think about how it would be ordered in a Quentin Tarantino "Pulp Fiction" world!) -->> Do you mean like this? ------------------ Me replize: Q: Why is MSOE so bad? A: Because it encourages otherwise intelligent people to post incomprehensible replies. ------------------ end Me replize. Alexander -------------- end Alexander sez. Of course, it's even more amusing to see what it looks like when they do it for real. (If you can take a step back from your frustrations long enough to laugh, anyway.) I wonder what mail list threads will look like after MS gets done with their infatuation with XML? -- Joel Rees <rees@xxxxxxxxxxx> digitcom, inc. 株式会社デジコム Kobe, Japan +81-78-672-8800 ** <http://www.ddcom.co.jp> **