Re: Yum problem after update on FC-3

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On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Timothy Murphy wrote:

> > There is not other way to get python 2.4 than to get it by the
> > development tree. I don't expect you manually did install it from
> > sources or external ;)
> It seems to me, to sum uo, that I did nothing
> that could be described as "running rawhide".
> It appears that there must have been a (temporary?) glitch
> in mirrorlist, or in the yum interpretation of mirrorlist.

Are you sure this machine never ran rawhide?

cat /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-devel.repo
rpm -V fedora-release

Have you ever done the following?
yum --enablerepo=developemnt update

> As far as I can see it is more or less impossible to downgrade python,
> so I'll just leave things until the current version gets up to 2.3.4 .

If its just 1 package - then you could download FC3 python.rpm and do:

rpm --Uvh --oldpackage python.rpm


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