I've had the same problem on two different systems (different hardware and software):
FC2 running Linux version 2.6.8-1.521 with a SONY DVD RW DRU-510A drive. The processor is an intel Pentium III FC3 running Linux version 2.6.9-1.667 with a LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1633S drive. The processor is an AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+
I'm aware of the problem with kernel versions. With kernels at or after 2.6.8, I haven't been able to run gcombust at all or cdrecord except as root, but I have successfully made CDs using k3e. I have been able to burn one DVD successfully, namely the one for the AMD system, (FC3-x86_64-DVD.iso) on the FC2 system.
I have not had similar problems burning CDs. These are my first attempts to burn DVDs, either data or video.
Thanks - jon
As you state, this is your first attempt to burn DVD's. It reminds me of a friend that couldn't burn any DVD's with a Lite-on burner and Kodak media. Turned out that there was a problem with the media. He returned it to the store for a full refund. Using different media, he has no problems. All this was within Win2k, not linux.
I have made three DVD coasters out of ~100 DVD burns. All attempts at burning that were not normal.
-- Robin Laing