Stormblaze wrote:
# service smb status
smbd (PID 4766 4759) wird ausgeführt...
nmbd (PID 4763) wird ausgeführt...
make sure that your smbd- and "nmbd"-services are running
"master browser" "nmbd.log"
in the nmbd.log you should have an entry about an master-browser
this can take a while, ca. 10 minutes ?
# tail -f /var/log/samba/*
==> /var/log/samba/nmbd.log <==
Samba name server XP1800 is now a local master browser for workgroup
MYGROUP on subnet
[2004/11/10 18:57:50, 0]
Samba name server XP1800 is now a local master browser for workgroup
MYGROUP on subnet
Shrek I don't understand what you're trying to tell me.
make sure that all your clients are in the same workgroup
your XP-user exist in the /etc/samba/smbpasswd
you have disabled the XP-firewall for your lan
in your smb.conf your_share_section you should evtl. have
"browseable = yes"
and you should evtl. remove
"username = nobody"
and you could try in the global-section
"hosts allow = <your_subnet>"
"encrypt passwords = yes"