I need a motherboard suggestion. I've a Pentium 4 / 2.4C GHz 800MHz CPU sitting aorund and want to build a file server using a SATA RAID. I've already got four WD SATA 250 GB drives, a nice 3Ware Escalade 9500S-4LP controller and a beautiful Chenbro RM311 case. Motherboard Requirements Must Have: - Stable - On board SATA (Don't need RAID I have a real harware card for that). I'm going to run the OS off a 36 G raptor. - USB2 ports - 64 bit PCI slot (for the RAID card) - Stable Nice to have: - 1 Gb LAN I thought a nice Inter server board would fit the bill. But couldn't belive the prices for them. The S875WP1-E is $200. I'm looking for a nice stable system, what do these boards have that my Abit IC7-MAX3 don't? As for slots, I don't need a lot many PCI. I need one for the RAID card, and two others for LAN cards (even if the Motherbaord has built in NICs I've had them die). So what Motherboard do you suggest? I really like that SuperMicro P4SCT comes out and states that they support Operating Systems other than Windows. I will be loading Fedora Core 2, well probably 3 by then. It looks like SuperMicro's support for Linux is only partial though. The P4SCT+ and P4SCT+II use a Marvell SATA controller for four of the six ports which does have a GNU license However, it looks like the board is ~$220. Ouch! Now I think the Intel S875WP1 for $200 looks pretty good. But then again it only has three 32-bit/33MHz PCI slots <sigh>. Paul