To the best of my knowledge FC 1 or 2 doesn't ship with the NTFS drivers. Unless you can prove otherwise.
I know RHEL3 does, and believe FC as well supports NTFS partitions as read-only. So the support is pretty limited. What errors are you getting when you try to do the mount? Is the box detecting both drives? It is possible that the drive is not being detected well in that configuration because of the jumpers and the master/slave configuration on the drives. One option might be to get a Knoppix disk, put the D ONLY drive on the machine, boot to Knoppix and try to copy (cp) whatever files you need. Once you have done what you need, you can then decide whether to format to ext3 over a failed operating system. .
-- Aly Dharshi aly.dharshi@xxxxxxxxx
"A good speech is like a good dress that's short enough to be interesting and long enough to cover the subject"