>i want to acess the windows 'D' drive {i can > access 'C" using the mount command but not my backup partition D > drive} which is currently on another Hard disk using a SATA Intel > Motherboard. FC2 is in the old HD. > So best thing to do is try it out as root: mount -t ntfs /dev/hdX /mnt/driveD -o ro Make sure you have the /mnt/driveD directory created prior to giving the above command. If you don't know how a simple: mkdir /mnt/driveD should do it. Then you have to figure out which of your partitions is the drive 'D' in your system and replace that 'X' in the command above with that partition letter: fdisk -l will list the partition table for you and you can see which partition corresponds to your Windows partition. Good luck! > Second problem is that the mozilla browser has also gone kaput and > does not load. How do i set it right ? > You have to provide more information about this one. What did you do for it to go 'kaput'? Did you upgrade? What happens when you give the 'mozilla' command?