Re: to newcomers: please try to solve the problem yourself beforeasking

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--On Saturday, September 11, 2004 10:21 AM -0400 Beej-in-GA <bryan-smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I was under the impression that the reason this list was set-up was so
that information could be exchanged and, if necessary, help obtained for
problems encountered in the running of Fedora.

True. But to the extent that the same question is repeated over and over, the answers get lost, as do the new questions. That's not a service to those seeking help.

I would, however, like to point out that there are on most keyboards a
key called delete. The purpose of this is to get rid of unwanted things.

This presumes that there's zero cost to acquiring and filtering. This is a very busy list, because of its broad scope. It's international, and many outside the US still have to pay by the byte transferred. (And the US standard of living is the highest in the world. It seems rude to me to force one's poorer brethren to pay yet more for another duplicate question.) The experts read a lot of lists. Monitoring a busy one like this takes time that could be spent elsewhere. Responses like Rene's just drive those experts with deep understanding away, leaving the list to "cargo cult experts" who know only a solution for a particular situation without knowing why it's a solution. (And I recognize that although I might be an expert on one list, I'm also a newb on many others. On a broad list like this, a given expert may only be qualified to answer a tiny fraction of the questions. Please don't make it harder to find them.)

For the information of Mr. Marius and Mister Robert P. J. Day, it is very
hard to do a google search and /or consult the (NON EXISTENT) manual when
you don't know what question to ask or anything but the symptom you are

That's an easy one. As Mr. Day pointed out, google the text you would have posted to the list. Odds are that someone else asked the same initial question and you'll hit, if not on the exact answer, perhaps a better question. If something does NOT come up, then you've hit the jackpot and come up with a truly unique question, which experts welcome.

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