Hello, I have previously installed FC2 by giving 80% of my hard drive to Linux. Then, I would like to format the remaining part of the hard drive (i.e. the remaining 20 %) with fat32 system to install a windowsXP. Indeed, the windows XP that was "given" with my laptop refuses to be installed on the remaining part of my hard drive (cf. the remaining 20 %). It says that there are to many partitions !!! And Microsoft refuses (of course !!!!!) to give any advice despite I was obliged to buy a winXP license ! That is why I think a solution would bet to previously format the remaining 20 % of my hard drive from the linux system with the fat32 system before trying to instal windowsXP. Thank for your advice ! Stéph Vous manquez d?espace pour stocker vos mails ? Yahoo! Mail vous offre GRATUITEMENT 100 Mo ! Créez votre Yahoo! Mail sur http://fr.benefits.yahoo.com/ Le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger est arrivé ! Découvrez toutes les nouveautés pour dialoguer instantanément avec vos amis. A télécharger gratuitement sur http://fr.messenger.yahoo.com