how to prevent yum updating weekly kernel
(this is the first distib I ever see doing this!!! updating kernel every five minutes. WHY???)
1. open a terminal, su to root
2. open your /etc/yum.conf file
3. in the [main] section add the line: exclude=kernel*
4. save the file and exit (you may want to do a yum clean to clean out any kernel-related headers)
There is a related post at this url:
Why are there updates? :-) Any number of reasons, I suppose - security, bugs, improvements.
You may want to read the announcement regarding a kernel update to see if it recommends all users to apply the update, or if it is a specific user type the update targets, if you are concerned about the frequency of updates. Looked at another way, I think it's pretty dang cool to have the very latest fully updated machine, with all security/bug fixes applied -- something that ... <ahem> ... other operating systems just are not capable of doing well at all.
Of course, you *can* simply automate the whole process, by clicking on:
RedHat -> System Settings -> Server Settings -> Services
Then scroll through the list, and put a check mark in the yum box. Save and exit. Your machine will then be automatically updated each night!
Hope this helps, Clint