In reading the man pages for rpm, I didn't see a way to take a package currently in the rpm database and sync it with one that I've downloaded and installed from source. I'm reading the man pages on yum to see if this is possible, but haven't noticed it yet (although yum provides <name> is a great resource!). I've read some articles attempting to explain this but for some reason I'm not getting it. Can anyone here shed a little light on the subject for me please? e.g. - I have httpd and php installed as part of the original FC2 distro, but needed to add xml/xslt support for some architecture development. I downloaded the latest sources for Apache,Sablot,and PHP. I'd like to now tell rpm/yum that I have an updated version so that they know. As an aside, I'd like to expand the repositories that yum looks to for installs/updates. I'm searching for a list, but haven't found one. Is there a 'collective' repository site somewhere on the web that has a list like this? (I currently have ATrpms, FC2-base, FC2-released upates). Thanks. John Dangler