So hey, don't feel bad. A lot of what you don't know, I don't know either. And neither of us needs to know it. <grin> Now in reference to needing the RPM man page, allow me to suggest the most common usages right here:
-qa List all packages on the system
-qi bind List information about the bind package
-qf /etc/named.conf Tell you which package owns this file
-Uvh bind-9.23-1.noarch.rpm Upgrade the bind package (if installed) to this version if it's newer. Install this version if bind was not previously installed. Or do nothing if the installed bind is equal to or newer than this one. This is much more comfortable than "-ivh" (install) since it's more intelligent.
-Fvh bind-9.23-1.noarch.rpm Same as -U but ***only*** upgrade the package if it's already installed.
-e bind Remove a package.
-ql bind List all files in a package.
-qd bind List all documentation files in a package
That should cover 95% to 99% of the use you'll ever give RPM.
This is GREAT! It is also being dragged to my resource collection. You would be developing a really useful resource if you expanded this to 95% of the times you use other command line utilities, such as "find" (with and without "grep") Maybe such a thing exists, but I haven't found it. Examples of real life application of these switches is very helpful.