Guys, I'm doing Spamass-Milter currently. Don't have much spam to train on though. I only have like 18 spam mails. Just wondering, which is the better alternative? I got spamass-milter from dag's repo and seems like it's out of development vs Milter-Spamc which is in active development. (I don't want to go into procmail/MIMEDefang/mailscanner etc configs. I at a time) Spamass-milter seems to work OK except that I it doesn't really _yet_ know how to differentiate spam & Ham This is what I have in /etc/mail/spamassassin/ required_hits 5 rewrite_subject 1 subject_tag [N-SPAM] report_safe 0 use_bayes 1 bayes_path /var/run/.spamassassin Note : I did not turn on additional stuffs. just the above. I'm hoping I don't have to and get the Bayes filter to do it. (but somehow autolearn is off in the headers) $ ps awux | grep spam root spamass-milter -p /var/run/spamass.sock -f -r 15 -u defaultuser spamd /usr/bin/spamd -d -c -a -m5 -u spamd -x Am I doing everything right here?