Richard Emberson wrote:
Ok, you have three disks, the boot disk is permanently connected and you connectJose Luis Ricardo Chavez wrote:
Richard Emberson wrote:
Are both disks using the same SCSI id while connected to the same cableI've got a FC2 system and a scsi disk with /boot and /. In addition, I have two other scsi disks with /home and /usr/local on them (call the disks A and B). Both of these disks have their IDs set to 6. When I boot the system with disk A, disk A can be found and the boot succeeds. When I replace disk A with disk B, disk B can not be found and the boot fails. Other than the possibility that disk B is bad, what else could be the cause?
The boot disk is a 7500rpm Quantum. Disk A is a 10000rpm Maxtor. Disk B is a 7500rpm Quantum. Back in my RedHat 9 days, the system used both Quantum disks.
(SCSI channel)? As far as I remember there is not a "cable select" option
when using SCSI disks, both disks should use different id's. Put the lowest
id on the boot disk (A). If the disks are connected to different SCSI channels
then maybe there is a problem with one of them.
- Jose Luis
The boot disk is always on the cable. Only one of the disks A and B are on the cable at one time.
disk A or B when needed. Is the SCSI BIOS detecting disk B?
It detects disk A (disk B not connected) but not disk B (disk A not connected).
The boot disk in both cases is detected.
- Jose Luis