I have a Mac and 2 PC's with linux. I installed FC1 a while back and was able to, without any additional settings up, see my Mac and the other FC1 PC and see the other PC's shares if it was in Windows in Gnome. The other day I installed FC2 on both PCs and can't see anything. I can ping the other machines and I can see shares on the other machines in KDE with lisa running. but I can't see anything in the network browser in gnome, even the shares on the same PC. To the best of my knowledge I have set the passwords, hosts, hosts.allow, smb.conf, shared dirs, set allowed users in samba..Im lost now!
Has anyone had any problems?? Whats ODD is that I could see my Mac in gnome with FC1 without any real configuring. Also I had a detour to Slackware-current with Dropline Gnome between FC1 and FC2 and a strait install of these allowed me to also see all the pc's on the network.
I have read through some of the samba docs and RedHat 9 manuals but nothing seems to help. I also tryed disabling all the firewalls etc but still nothing.
Thanks guys