Uttered edwardspl@xxxxxxxxxx, spake thus: > If I want to change the language to chinese ( example )... > So, how to config the setting ? Use the locale(1) program to see the i18n locations available on your system. I don't have chinese on my system, but suppose we wanted US English: # locale -a | grep en_US en_US en_US.iso88591 en_US.iso885915 en_US.utf8 Then just edit "/etc/sysconfig/i18n" so that it looks like this: LANG="en_US.UTF-8" SUPPORTED="en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en" SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16" I don't know the proper SYSFONT for any other language; you'll have to find that yourself. After making this change, I would reboot, but probably just logging out and logging back in would work as well. Happy editing!