Hi there! I did a fresh fedora install, added the atrpms repository, installed apt and synaptic from there. Yum was also updated because of some dependencies. Now I cannot find the yum service any longer. # /sbin/chkconfig --list | grep yum # ls /etc/init.d/ | grep yum (both no results) # rpm -q yum yum-2.0.4-28.rhfc1.at # rpm -qa | grep atrpms atrpms-package-config-42-1.rhfc1.at atrpms-42-1.rhfc1.at # rpm -qa | grep apt libapt-pkg-0.5.15cnc5-44.rhfc1.at synaptic-0.45-9.rhfc1.at apt-0.5.15cnc5-44.rhfc1.at Is this an atrpms bug? Any ideas how to get the service back? Christoph