>>>>> "Elton" == Elton Woo <elwoo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: Elton> The page is too long. People lose interest or just plain too LAZY to Elton> read to the bottom. Hence, I would suggest breaking it up into Elton> LINKED sections, starting with ... The problem here is that the release notes need to be a single document for Anaconda to display it during the installation. I wonder if a TOC at the start help ("Ah, there's a section on 'foo' -- let me scroll down there")... ... Elton> 4) Discontinued / changed packages. Those who are not new to linux Elton> should have the experience that there *will be* discontinued, or Elton> substituted libraries, and some inkling (at least) of copyright Elton> concerns. Elton> 5). How to get help --> links to lists. Elton> /RANT Pet peeve: NETIQUETTE and its IMPORTANCE to the archives and Elton> to those whose FIRST language is NOT English. ... These issues are ones best handled somewhere other than in the release notes. However, I'd be willing to consider something like the following as a permanent entry in the release notes: "New users: Are you new to Linux in general and Fedora Core in particular? If so, visit http://...."; Ed -- Ed Bailey Red Hat, Inc. http://www.redhat.com/