Need help on this one and fast! I got to know a guy who just opened a computer store down the street from me. He has local storefront i one of the big grocery stores in the area so he gets lots of traffic. To make a long story short, I got him a copy of FC1 and he was willing to install it on a PC in his front window for everyone to see. Well guess what, he has a motherboard and monitor combo that is driving FC1 nutz! It an S3 (Savage) KM133 on-board video set with a CTX MS700 flat screen display. When using the default settings, X comes up in a mode that is beyond the monitor. I can't figure out how to get it to do what it's supposed to - display something. It's forcing itself to 1152x864 at 75MHz - and those settings aren't listing anywhere in XF86Config that I can find. Switching the driver to the standard vesa driver (same XF86Config file except I replace the line "driver savage" with "driver vesa") at least gets me a 1024x768 24-bit picture, but it's unaccelerated, so games like Tux Racer are horrible. Help! This guy is interested in selling PCs with Linux and Fedora is making him have second thoughts! Cheers, Chris Williams -- ==================================== "If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' someone else's dog around." --Cowboy Wisdom