On Thursday 20 November 2003 18:00, Don wrote: > > So... yesterday this new update for Mozilla is released.... 1.4.1-18 > Mozilla 1.5 is already available, and so is 1.6a > > So if Fedora is supposed to be "leading edge", why are we coming out > with incremental changes to Mozilla 1.4? Why isn't 1.5 or 1.6a > available via up2date? > > Just curious... :-) > Don Given a choice between taking the time to evaluate a new revision with new features/enhancements and simply fixing a bug that keeps Mozilla from seg faulting depending on your google hits I'm pretty sure which I'd choose. In fact, I don't see why these need to be thought of as mutually exclusive testing activities. Thanks for the update folks! Regards, Mike Klinke