Don wrote:
This does not make sense. The purpose of the JetDirect card is so the machines on the network can print directly to the printer from the net. Why route all the printing through the server as well?The printer is attached to the network. It has a 10Base-T JetDirect card in it. The "usual" print server is a Windows machine and all the Windows clients in the office have the network printer defined as a "network printer", connected to the "shared printer" on the printer server.
Try running (as root) redhat-config-printer, and for your queue type, select "Networked JetDirect", put in the IP address of the JetDirect card for the printer name, leave the port at 9100, select the Maunfacturer (HP) and model (LaserJet 5Si?????), and you should be good to go.Now I'm trying to set up FC1 on the same network, to use the same printer... either directly as a "JetDirect" connection, or through the windows shared printer.
For your Windows boxes, run the add printer setup wizard, and choose "local printer" instead of "Networked Printer" and instead of LPT1: for the port, use a standard TCP/IP port.....