Craig White wrote:
On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 02:55, WipeOut wrote:
Chris Miller wrote:
Have you given NFS tcp a try? UDP works but has its down sides. One ofI didn't try NFS over TCP, main reason being I figured that I have a reliable lint between the two PC I was testing with.. UDP having a lower overhead seemed the best choice for throughput.. I read that TCP was only required for networks that had a lot of collisions..
them being if you need to retransmit.
nfs:/nfswrite /nfswrite nfs noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,actimeo=60,bg,intr,timeo=14,tcp,nfsvers=3 0 0
Works real good for me.
I will give TCP a try anyway...
---- do post up your conclusions - if any
I have just done a bit of testing using NFS over UDP and TCP..
My conclusions are that for the most part the performance difference between UDP and TCP is very small..
UDP is slightly faster in my test environment in various tests using bonnie++, iozone and straight reading and writing of files.. This is as it should be given the lower overhead of UDP..
TCP would probably have an advantage in a congested or unreliable network that was experiencing many collisions or packet loss which caused a lot of retransmissions..