Partially solved -- Re: Nautilus issues F14

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On 01/08/2011 07:11 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> On 01/07/2011 05:10 PM, Aaron Konstam wrote:
>> On Fri, 2011-01-07 at 12:21 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>> On 01/07/2011 08:43 AM, Greg Woods wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 2011-01-07 at 07:54 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>>>> I just checked on a test server I set up yesterday morning. It does not
>>>>> have Nautilus under Applications ->    System Tools either.
>>>> I'm on F14 too. If I open most things under Places (such as "Home" or
>>>> "Computer") it runs Nautilus.
>>> Yes.
>>>>>     But when I
>>>>> start a copy of Nautilus from say the Desktop (eg my Home), it has the
>>>>> Side Pane and F9 works. So I something is messed up on my notebook.
>>>> Under "View", does it have an option to enable the Side Pane? Mine does,
>>>> and the side pane is not enabled unless I check the box for it.
>>> No it does not.  At least not any more.  I **THINK** it had it the first
>>> time I opened it, then I made my 'standard' changes to come up in list
>>> rather than icon mode, not to open a new window on every folder click,
>>> and to allow for real delete.  I closed Nautilus, without really looking
>>> at it, then opened it again and NO side view and NO way to enable it.
>>> I was wondering if it might be some hidden file controlling this?  One
>>> of the config control files that Gnome has so many of...
>> I am not sure what is happening on you machine. But clicking on Side
>> Pane under view produces a side pane on my machine. As does F9.
> And I have NOTHING to click on.  There is NO 'Side Pane' under view.
> It is GONE.  It was there when I first installed, but something caused
> it to go away.
> On the Gnome list, it was recommended that I create a new user and see
> if that user has the same problem.

GOOD Recommendation to create a new user to trouble shoot this!

So did this. And logged on as the new user and clicked on 'Computer' on 
the desktop. There was the side pane!

Then I went into preferences and did my standard changes, switching to 
selecting 'list view', 'Open each folder in its own Window', and 
'Include Delete command that bypasses Trash'. I closed Nautilus and 
clicked on 'Computer' again and the side pane was GONE! Oh boy.

So I went into preferences and deselected 'Open each folder in its own 
Window', closed and opened Nautilus and the side pane was back.

I think I have found a bug????

So I went to a system that is running F12, and I see the option in the 
same place is called: 'always open in browser windows', and I have this 
selected. I went to my ONE F13 system, and it behaves the same as F14. 
So I guess this is NOT a bug, but a change between F12 and F13, carried 
over to F14...

I still want to have Nautilus on the Applications panel as well as on 
the panel itself.

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