Re: Any Dittoheads out there?

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Geoffrey Leach writes:

No flames please. This is a technical question.

I download podcasts with a script that runs after 11pm (Satelite internet). Is it possible to get the URL for the day's show by scraping the member's page or compute it?. Needless to say, their tech suport has no idea what I am trying to do.
It's very likely that your login ends up with the server sending your 
browser a cookie. Even if you can derive the URL yourself, without a cookie 
you're not going to get anything.
You'll need to put together a script which submits a login request, and in 
addition to stashing away any cookies it gets, parses the HTML document that 
comes in, and follows the HTML links (obediently returning all the cookies) 
until it gets to the URL you're looking for.
This should be doable, unless there's convoluted Javascript or Flash 
involved in navigating your way to the dowload URL, manually. Whether or not 
that's the case may not be necessarily obvious.

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