Re: Feedback

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Thank, you are probably right.
After 5 attempts to udgrade my fedora 11 system to 12 or 13. I just
gave up. In my opinion, there is a problem with the rpm db.
I checked the hardware.
The system became unstable after an access to the rpmdb.

My last 5 or 6 posts did not receive any feedback.
Either people aren't interested or don't have an idea or you formulated
your problem not very well and people don't understand it.

This is bothering a bit !
I guess you can always ask for your money back :-)

For now, I am trying for the 4th time to update a system from
fedora 11 to fedora 12. I started 2 week ago !
Apparently the update looks OK, but then, after I log, I cab
rebuild the db but then any rpm -Uvh removes the data base !!
You are not making any sense. What database? The rpm database? Be MORE
SPECIFIC. We are not Borg who can hear each other's thoughts. So for
people on this list to understand your problem you have to make a better

I have not clue.
The / has been formatted as ext3 -b 4096 -f 1024
Why would you want to use ext3 if - for years now - there is ext4
goodness? That does not make sense.

Is there a problem here ?
Imho the problem is upgrading to F12 which is going to be EOL (dead)
pretty soon. Why not start doing something that makes sense and make a
backup of all your important data and then do a *fresh* install of F14
(with ext4) or CentOS 5.5 if you need something that is supported for
years to come.


 Patrick DUPRÉ                      |   |
 Department of Chemistry            |   |  Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York             |   |  Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington                         |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom      |   |  email: patrick.dupre@xxxxxxxxxx
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