Re: Problems installing with multiple drives

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Emmett Culley writes:

For me this problem has been there since Fedora 12, with no problems before that.
Actually, that would be about the time the problems stopped for me. This is 
one of these things that are devilishly hard to get right, for everyone.
In my case is always the same and contains sda and sdb in
order.  Yet sometimes upon reboot after installation no sda or sdb is
known by the kernel.  If I boot to rescue from the DVD it seems like some
of the time all of the drives are there and in the proper order because
chroot to /mnt/sysimage works.

Some of what you described above sounds similar to what I am seeing in Fedora 13.  I'll report a bug, but is it a kernel bug or an anaconda bug?  I'll keep looking.
This would be an Anaconda issue, however I'm not very optimistic that there 
is an easy solution. No harm from filing a bug, I suppose, but for the best 
chances of someone being able to figure this out, be sure to include every 
hardware detail you can think of; from the output of lspci, to dmesg after a 
regular kernel boot.
I wonder if smolt can be leveraged to survey the install base and log which 
systems with which kind of hardware see which disks in which order. I think 
what's needed here is a very large scale hardware survey.

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