Re: Print multiple emails to one file

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On 09/08/2010 09:03 AM, Alex wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know of a program that can manipulate mbox files? I'd like
> to print about 50 emails to a single file so I can email them as a PDF
> to someone.
> Thunderbird will let you highlight and print multiple emails, but they
> all either overwrite each other or save to an individual file with all
> the headers, not just the ones that are suitable for display.
> Thanks for any ideas.
> Best regards,
> Alex
I do not know of an automatic way to print them to one file,
let alone print them without the full headers.

How about printing each one to a separate file, and then
catenate the files into a single file, which you can then
convert to pdf.
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