Re: Heads up re: Users of RalinkTech Chipsets

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On 09/06/2010 04:00 PM, agraham wrote:
> JD,
> Does it work in Wireless N mode ?
> Thanks.
> On 08/25/2010 06:11 AM, JD wrote:
>>     Hi All,
>> Kernel 2.6.35 now supports
>> RT2860
>> RT2870
>> RT2872
>> RT2883
>> RT3070
>> RT3071
>> RT3090
>> RT3390
>> RT3572
>> The device will be wlan0 instead of ra0
>> I just downloaded
>> and built it and booted it.
>> It found my Ralink 2860 based mini-pci and
>> all is super-well.
>> You will need to modify your /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant
>> and replace ra0  with wlan0
>> Once you do that, you will need to System->Administration->Network
>> and activate wlan0, and save it.
>> That should create the ifcfg-wlan0 file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
>> and should also create hard links to it in /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices
>> and in  /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default
>> (unless of course these links are no longer needed).
>> If you had set up your wifi with a fixed ip address, you will need to
>> set that up too.
>> Once done, then
>> sudo ifup wlan0
>> and you are up and running.
>> I have so far discovered that these  rtx00 drivers are driving
>> the card much much better than ralinktech's own driver.
>> For example, the signal to noise ratio is increased by a factor of 10!!!
>> No kidding!!! Factor of 10!
>> i.e. signal strength went from around 5 or 6 to 60!!!
>> Enjoy

Well, I do not have a draft N router.
However, on Fedora (and perhaps on all Linuxes) I have not seen
any util that will put the wifi card in mode G or N or A.
I check iwconfig, and I did not see anything relevant to draft N.
I looked at wpa_suppicant, and did not find anything there either.
I think it is automatic.
So, if your access point (router) is draft N, the card itself will detect
draft N protocol, and connect in that mode.
So, I do not believe it is a driver issue, but I could be wrong.
if you have rt2860 based wifi, all you have to do is try latest
stable vanilla kernel from
You have nothing to lose except a little bit of time.

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