Re: Fedora can't detect PCI devices

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Have you tried the BIOS option that clears or resets "ESCD"? (Sorry, not in front of a machine I can reboot to get the right terminology). I had a similar problem with my Gigabyte board that disavowed all knowledge of one of the onboard NICs and the Firewire UUID was all "0000000000000000...". The "dmidecode" command claimed there was no SMBIOS on the system at all until this option was set once and the system rebooted. Then it all worked just fine. This only affected "virgin" motherboards as I had bought a second that had the same issue, and was pulling what little hair I have left out until I tried it.
Chris Kloiber

On 08/18/2010 09:02 PM, Brian C. Huffman wrote:
   I just installed a new motherboard and memory in a machine that was
previously working well.  Unfortunately now the machine won't detect any
of the PCI cards that are installed.  The PCI-Express Video card is the
exception - that's working fine.

The motherboard in question is an Intel DP43BF.  I have 3 PCI cards: a
PVR250, Maudio Delta DiO, and Fusion HD DVB card.  They don't show up in
messages or in lspci -v

Anyone have any suggestions?  I'd rather not return the board, but I've
tried various kernel options to no avail.  :-(


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