Re: Installing DD-WRT -

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Bob Goodwin wrote:
  On 13/08/10 14:41, Terry Polzin wrote:
On Fri, 2010-08-13 at 11:38 -0700, Craig White wrote:
has nothing whatsoever to do with Fedora but...

yes, do a hard reset before installing DD-WRT (and after I think if I
remember correctly)



Have you looked here?

Yes, that is one of the articles mentioning the "hard reset."
What happens after I do that, will I lose contact via the browser. does it wipe out the router address, I don't know what is being reset. Those are the kinds of things that bother me, That's why I was looking for someone who has done this.

A "Hard Reset" on a wireless router on DD-WRT means you just cleared your NVRAM settings. Not what is flashed to the CMOS, but what configurations persist on reboot, IE your settings and IP's and everything, which is then set back to default, usually or some such setup. You need to make sure you are wired directly to the router and you will need to change your IP to match the default of the router if you have customized it.


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