Re: Anything for home user and not the technical one??

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On 07/21/2010 05:03 PM, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 3:04 AM, jack craig<jcraig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
>> install Firefox and google for life... ;-)
> Really good suggestion, but w.r.t Fedora, life is related in small
> extent but more with watching movies and visiting new places. And the
> intention was to know abt Fedora 11, how tos and related and that much
> with the first priority.
> Regards,
> Parshwa Murdia
you may rest assured that the fedora line of software will support your 
going as far and wide as you like.
that is you may scratch the surface, use it like an expert or even 
develop your own code.

unlike M$, its largely free from virus, free from user lockin (ie, 
proprietary code only), and totally free of $$$.

even my wife uses my home Linux for her internet access! :-)

the only thing is, you get out of it what you put into it, ...

Jack Craig
Software Engineer
831.461.7100 x120

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