Re: OT: Cloud Computing is coming to ...

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--- On Tue, 7/20/10, Matthew J. Roth <mroth@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Antonio,
> Clearly, you are just playing devil's advocate since the
> answers to your questions are contained in a document that
> has already been quoted once in the replies to your initial
> post.  In fact, that document is a mere two clicks away
> from the article that you referenced.
I wanted to know more, and now thanks to most of the respondents, I understand a little bit better of what is involved in these matters. 
> Once again, from Red Hat's Cloud 101 Whitepaper <>:

I saw this link, but did not read it :(  Sorry for not going there to find the answers.  

>   These private clouds are often the evolution of a
> virtualized
>   infrastructure into something that’s more dynamic
> and automated...
>   ...a private cloud that builds on a virtualized
> foundation will be
>   the strategic choice that helps IT bring on new
> business services
>   more quickly...
>   In a cloud environment, resources can be rapidly and
> elastically
>   provisioned, in some cases automatically, to quickly
> scale out
>   based on pre-set policies and the demands of an
> application. Just
>   as importantly, resources can also be rapidly
> decreased when they
>   are no longer needed, avoiding the familiar
> situation of unused
>   servers sitting idle after the task they were
> initially purchased
>   for ends.
> It all really boils down to another layer of abstraction
> that can allow you to leverage your virtualized
> infrastructure to deploy services rapidly and get the most
> out of your hardware.  I understand Richard Stallman's
> concerns about storing private data on a public cloud, but
> that is just one aspect of the technology.
> However, I really don't understand your concern about
> whether or not Fedora is involved with the Red Hat Cloud
> Foundations.  No matter what, you're not going to be
> forced to store your /home filesystem on a public cloud,
> just as you are not forced to run a VM.
> Regards,
> Matthew Roth
> InterMedia Marketing Solutions
> Software Engineer and Systems Developer
> -- 

It was a legitimate question, since I read somewhere that Ubuntu was using some kind of cloud service and how does one disable it.  

Is there some kind of guarantee that Fedora will not force one to store /home on a "Cloud server somewhare" since Ubuntu did something like that.  And each of the big guys is competing in this new market, I hope that such things don't happen over here.  

Big thanks to all who have responded.



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