Re: List mail/archives, encodings

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--- On Sun, 7/18/10, Tim <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Tim <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: List mail/archives, encodings
> To: "Community support for Fedora users" <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 10:15 PM
> On Sun, 2010-07-18 at 10:15 -0700,
> Antonio Olivares wrote:
> > Thankfully, 
> > I have not seen any more mail with encodings that made
> the messages
> > unreadable.  Apparently I was the only person
> seeing this so it could
> > be a problem with me or yahoo mail?
> It sounds quite likely it was Yahoo mail.  But here's
> one way it could
> be at your end:  Have you told your mail client, or
> web browser, to
> presume a particular character encoding by default, or to
> override the
> character encoding details provided with the
> messages?  If so, you could
> be forcing an incorrect interpretation.
> The default encoding for e-mail is US-ASCII, anything else
> should
> explicitly declare what it actually uses.  And the
> default for most HTML
> is iso-8859-1 (likewise, anything else should explicitly
> describe
> itself).  XML uses UTF-8, by default, if I recall
> correctly.
I had changed the messages in question to other encodings and got the same or worse.  Non readable :(  I let the browsers, both konqueror and firefox use the default, I then went to the main page(archives) and saw that the messages looked correct, except the ones of course where I replied that there was a problem :(  
> By "default," that means that if the data doesn't come with
> a
> description of what it is using, then that's what should be
> expected.
> It doesn't mean that all mail/web-pages must use those
> encoding schemes.
> > Tim,
> > Have you had any trouble viewing messages through
> yahoo mail?  
> Me, or another Tim?  
Yep, I meant you :), the other Tim would be Timothy Murphy and since I don't know your last name, I simply know you as Tim :)  
> I don't use the webmail service,
> it could be a
> cause of your problem.  I merely send messages to the
> list using a yahoo
> address in my "from" field.  I receive mail sent to
> another address,
> that has nothing to do with Yahoo.
How do you get to do this?  I would like to learn how to do it :)
and avoid the ADS, the messages that new yahoo mail cannot be loaded and other bull that i see from time to time.  
> I haven't seen anything wrong with the messages that you
> previously drew
> to our attention.  So, the problem would appear to be
> somewhere between
> yourself and the list.
That is probably the case, but as of complaining/posting that to mailing list, I have not seen any more messages that could not be read like those :) 
> -- 
> [tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r
> Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is
> ignored.  I
> read messages from the public lists.
> -- 



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