Re: ssh into kvm-clients

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brizly vaan van Ulciputz wrote:
so i set up a bridge, it's running fine (the bridge itself...).
But how do i tell the default kvm-network to use the bridge instead of
using nat?
i found /var/lib/libvirt/network/default.xml,
but don't know how to change it, which manpage to use :-(
Using the KVM-GUI (virt-manager) i am not able to add a new network with
another type than NAT.
By now i was following the way described on ,
but it ends up in setting up a _new_ machine, i am already having them.

any hints?

Am Mittwoch, den 02.06.2010, 16:44 -0400 schrieb Tom Horsley:
On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 20:50:03 +0200
brizly vaan van Ulciputz wrote:

or do i have to edit ifcfg-br0 by
That's the way I've always done it. Just move all the
ipaddr and wot-not into the br0 file and tell the eth0
file it is part of the bridge by adding BRIDGE=br0.

I don't know if NetworkManager can deal with bridges.
I always turn it off and turn network on.

I contribute this shell, use at your own risk, has worked for me (with some minor edits over the years) since FC6. Use with your own changes at your own risk. I just tune the MAC address of each VM so my DHCP puts the right IP on it.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

Description: Bourne shell script

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