Ufraw seems strange to me and to my brand new camera

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I am using Ufraw+Gimp to work on my photo.
I have been using a Pentax 1stDs for a long time, but I bought a new kx.
Today I went to an historical car race in Monza and surprise, PEF file
coming from the new camera are mismanaged, in particular red is
completely missing, therefore all colours are wrong!!!
I went to Ufraw site and I see that kx is in the list of cameras that
are o.k with UFraw.
Do they mean that I hace to shot in DGN and not in PEF format???
What is funny that if I open same files with Fspot colours are o.k.

Shall I file a bug against UFraw???

Antonio M
Skype: amontag52

Linux Fedora F13 (Goddard) on Acer 5720


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