Re: How does F13 work with nvidia hardware ?

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nouveau does work fine... If you have one screen, or two screens and like spanning desktops (with the second to the right of the first). If you (like I) prefer separate desktops (so I can put a virtual machine on the second monitor) and the second screen to the left of the first, you are still pretty much out of luck with nouveau.
I tried out nouveau recently as I was experiencing "tearing" of the 
portions of the screen when scrolling firefox with a window partially on 
top of firefox and was hoping it was the driver. Unfortunately nouveau 
has the same problem.

The spanning desktops were also driving me crazy. I put my virtual machine on the second monitor (to the left and full screen), then try opening firefox. It invariably opens *under* the virtual machine, completely hidden. This alone is enough to drive be back to the nvidia proprietary driver, in all it's glorified ugliness. I do hope some developer can take pity on me and address this shortcoming.

Chris Kloiber

On 05/27/2010 04:41 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:
On 05/26/2010 05:37 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
Linuxguy123 wrote:
I run the proprietary, closed source nvidia driver in F12.  What happens
when I upgrade to F13 ?

The short answer is that you may have to boot in vesafb mode and install the
driver using that. If that doesn't work booting in run level three and upgrading
your driver from CLI.
That's what I used to do, and it worked fine.  These days nouveau works
so well that I don't bother with the proprietary driver.


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