Re: Tell me proper URL for yum checking

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Yes, and what he told you is that there is no legal URL for a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 yum repository. A Red Hat Network subscription (which uses up2date) is required. Now if you happen to have an RHN subscription, up2date can be coerced into using a third party yum repository. See /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources
If you don't have an RHN subscription, you can convert your RHEL4 to 
CentOS4 by replacing the redhat-release with centos-release (IIRC) then 
use the CentOS4 yum repositories.
Chris Kloiber

On 03/18/2010 04:09 AM, SHIMADA, MAKOTO wrote:
Thanks Ed Greshko;

Exactly what are you trying to update via yum?
No, I routinely use "up2date" to keep my RHEL4 machine up to date.

You can't update the
base packages of RHELv4 via yum since RH does not support yum at that
release level.
I know that.
However, I need to install another software,which require yum.
So, I have to install yum before the installation of the software.

What I need is the URL to solve the IOError:<urlopen error>.


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