Re: 64 bit fedora 64 bit firefox testing..

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bruce writes:

however, i had a friend with an older 64bit version of fedora, and a
64bit firefox/sun jre look at it.. and the site he got was basically a
horizontally compressed page.. it was like the right half of the page
wasn't displayed correctly..

since the site gives the warning for the self created certificate..
guy on IRC said that that might be the issue..
No it's not. Whatever the issue is, this isn't it.

                                                I'm not a TOMCAT guy..
but from doing some reading.. i'm not convinced.. particulary since
the other 32 bit systems are working ok...

so i'm wondering if i can talk to someone here.. who's running a 64
bit fedora.. and perhaps have you take a look at the site for me.. to
tell me what you see..
A better suggestion for you is to use to validate 
the web page's markup for compliance with the applicable HTML standard.

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