Re: OpenOffice and password protected encrypted .docx files?

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Mike Cloaked wrote:
> I have seen that support for opening password protected will be included
> in OO 3.2 which is due for release very soon, and that will resolve this
> issue - but I am not sure when soon will be! It did look like release was
> going to go ahead but then I saw at
> there was an additional release blocker a few days ago so I don't know
> what the current situation is?
> Anyway I hope that OO 3.2 does get released soon as this is a notty
> problem for me until OO 3.2 is available.

I have seen some discussion in the OO forums - looks possible that OO 3.2
may be released mid-Feb which would be nice.  I presume that if that is the
case then we would get an update package soon after for F11 and F12?  Can
anyone say whether this would be the case once OO 3.2 is released?
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