Re: OpenOffice and password protected encrypted .docx files?

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Roger-11 wrote:
> On 02/04/2010 07:52 PM, Mike Cloaked wrote:
>> Can anyone advise me on the following problem?
>> I have been sent a .docx which was created in MS Office 2007, and
>> encrypted
>> with a password that is needed to open it.  In the past if anyone sent me
>> an
>> open .docx file then OpenOffice in F12 would open it without any
>> problems.
>> However the password protected file appears not to be accessible in
>> OpenOffice, and attempting to open the file does not ask for a password
>> and
>> won't play ball.  Since I don't have MS Office 2007 the question is
>> whether
>> I can open the file at all?
>> Can anyone suggest a solution?
>> Thanks
> Had the same problem a month ago researched and googled for days, the 
> only solution I found was to request the password.
> Roger

I have seen that support for opening password protected will be included in
OO 3.2 which is due for release very soon, and that will resolve this issue
- but I am not sure when soon will be! It did look like release was going to
go ahead but then I saw at
there was an additional release blocker a few days ago so I don't know what
the current situation is?

Anyway I hope that OO 3.2 does get released soon as this is a notty problem
for me until OO 3.2 is available.
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